free PSA - doubling time calculator

Date PSA-level  

Enter first entry!


doubling time

available with at least 2 values entered

Save file

To save entered values it is necessary to generate an individual and anonymous code for each person that can be chosen freely and has to be entered twice - important: save this code in your documentation for later purposes!

Letters and numbers
at least 6 characters

Open file

To recall saved values enter the code you initially chose for the file.

How to use:

  1. Enter at least two correct dates and values, finish input by clicking the [+]-button --> doubling times and graphs will be displayed.
  2. To save entered values it is necessary to generate an individual and anonymous code for each person that can be chosen freely and has to be entered twice - important: save this code in your documentation for later purposes!!! To start this process click the [save]-button
  3. To recall saved values, click the [open]-button, enter the code you initially chose for the person, saved values an graphs will be displayed
Latest doubling time will always be displayed on top (doubling time history will be displayed below)
Don´t forget to save every change by clicking [save]!